Intervention Support Services

With the number of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) increasing nationally, there are more and more pressures on schools to find the high quality and cost effective provisions for pupils with very challenging needs.

Our aims are to:

  • Increase levels of attendance
  • Improve pupils attitudes and behaviours towards learning
  • support pupils to re-engage with their education

With disruptive behaviour and/or a complete failure to attend, more resources are being used to help them in mainstream education.

Average Attendance Figures


Current Attendance Figures

The impacts and outcomes of our programmes include;

  • Lower absenteeism
  • Improve pupils attitudes and behaviour towards learning
  • Support the pupils to re-engage with their learning
  • Reduce exclusions
  • Increase attainment levels

Lincolnshire Educational Support and our partners work with some of the most disengaged pupils, most of which have given up on school altogether the average attendance prior to joining us is 5% but most have not been inside a school for 6-18 months.

Our school intervention programmes are aimed at pupils in mainstream education but are at risk of dropping out.


Prior to Intervention

creating good habits
through learner led education


Prior to Intervention

Lincolnshire Educational Support and our partners work with some of the most disengaged pupils, most of which have given up on school altogether the average attendance prior to joining us is 5% but most have not been inside a school for 6-18 months.

Our school intervention programmes are aimed at pupils within the educational system but in danger of slipping out.


Current Attendance Figures

Our school interventions;.

  • Lower absence figures
  • Improve pupils school habits
  • re-engage the students in education
  • Reduce exclusions
  • Increase exam results

creating good habits through learner led education

What we offer in-school


sportsPROVISION (Learner Led Education Through Sport)
Boston | Grantham | Grimsby | Lincoln | Skegness


lincolnTALKS (Learner Led Education Through Media)
Boston | Grantham | Grimsby | Lincoln | Skegness

What we offer off-site


sportsPROVISION (Learner Led Education Through Sport)
Lincoln | Boston | Grimsby


lincolnTALKS (Learner Led Education Through Media)
Lincoln | Boston

Lower Absenteeism

Improve Pupils Attitudes

Improve Behaviour Towards Learning

Re-engage With Their Learning

Reduced Exclusions

Increase Attainment Levels